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DocuWare Product News

Czech: DocuWare now in 18 languages

DocuWare is used around the world. To help even more customers benefit from document management in their native language, the user interface is now ... Read more

Professional Services:  Solutions targeting individual needs

Professional Services? Sounds interesting... But who or what is behind the name? Joachim Krausert, Country Director Professional Services for the ... Read more

Reach your goal faster with keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are much like back roads in your own neighborhood: If you know them, you can save yourself a lot of time. With the help of [Ctrl], ... Read more

Tip: Highlight, press shortcut ... document appears

Do you already use Smart Connect and its Highlight Search? Just select text, press a key combination … and the right document appears. Search for ... Read more

New Feature: Exporting Index Data

Want to use data from DocuWare in another program – for example, your ERP? Now you can use the new DocuWare Export app to transfer document index ... Read more

Folders in DocuWare: Many hierarchies lead to same documents

Storing documents in folders is usually very intuitive, but the way a hierarchy is set up is usually not the same for every user. The advantage with ... Read more

DocuWare Support - going the extra mile every day

What is DocuWare Support actually responsible for and how is it different from other departments? To get some answers, we asked Matthias Wieland, ... Read more

Chrome browser security change: Time to switch to HTTPS

Google is further strengthening the security of its browser. A change in Chrome version 92 means that only encrypted communication via HTTPS will be ... Read more

Securely log into DocuWare

DocuWare is simply secure: With the help of single sign-on, it‘s easy for your employees to log in - while ensuring optimal protection for all your ... Read more

Update: White Paper System Achitecture

The White Paper System Architecture was recently updated to reflect DocuWare version 7.4 and provides a great look at the inner workings of DocuWare ... Read more