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DocuWare Product News

Compliance: Always meet requirements with DocuWare

For companies, compliance means proactively avoiding legal disputes and fines. DocuWare is certified and completely supports you in meeting all legal ... Read more

Quick tip: Store mail attachments as individual documents

There’s an easy way to save the body text of an email and all its attachments as separate documents in your archive. This saves you from having to ... Read more

Best scan settings for boosting text recognition

There are plenty of paper documents that need scanning, such as incoming A/P invoices. Here are some quick setting adjustments you can make, so that ... Read more

Adapt index dialogs to best suit employee preferences

It’s easy to customize store/search masks, lists and index dialogs. For example, you can configure a store dialog to accommodate the languages spoken ... Read more

Tray vs. File Cabinet: What happens where?

Trays and file cabinets are the two places in DocuWare where documents can be found. But when do you use each of them...and for what? Here’s a brief ... Read more

Recognize barcodes even more precisely

Boost your processes - like handling incoming invoices - by precisely identifying a barcode type. All it takes is a simple setting adjustment. Read more

Tray features

For many applications, documents are first placed in a tray before they are archived. Find out which processing options you have in a tray and how ... Read more

Retain documents – then delete them once the time is up

Meeting documentation needs on one hand, protecting data on the other: with DocuWare you can store documents securely and confidentially for as long ... Read more

Updated white paper: system architecture

The white paper on DocuWare version 7.3’s system architecture explores the software’s inner-workings. Anyone with an interest in IT will love this ... Read more

DocuWare now speaks 17 languages

DocuWare is used around the world. To help even more customers benefit from document management in their native language, the user interface is now ... Read more