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DocuWare Product News

5 Tips to be a DocuWare Virtuoso

Want to get all you can out of your digital archiving solution, so that documents are quickly processed and securely stored. Sound like music to your ... Read more

DocuWare works like this: New instructions for getting started

DocuWare‘s Knowledge Center provides lots of useful information for DocuWare users. This central platform was recently expanded with over 30 how-to ... Read more

In practice: Archiving documents automatically

DocuWare imports documents into a central file cabinet - regardless of where they will ultimately be stored or how they were created. Each document ... Read more

Using Single Sign-on in DocuWare Cloud

Many apps, but only one login: with Single Sign-On authentication, the tedious task of typing (and retyping) login data is eliminated. DocuWare now ... Read more

Number documents automatically by client - in a workflow

A practical approach when working with many different clients: Number documents consecutively and - as an example - per vendor for incoming invoices. ... Read more

Lists, tasks and now forms - all directly available in Web Client

Purchase orders, reimbursement forms or vacation requests are regularly submitted as part of everyday work. To speed things up, employees can now ... Read more

One Click Indexing: Great tool against typos and transposed numbers

One Click Indexing – a tool found in DocuWare‘s Viewer – is a great way to quickly assign index terms when filing. With this tool, even manual ... Read more

Highlight Search - Easiest way to search from any program

Select text, press a key combination … and the right document appears. With the new Highlight Search from Smart Connect, you can search for documents ... Read more

A workflow is more than a process (in other words, how you benefit from workflows)

Business processes must respond dynamically to your business. Thus, you must have the flexibility to control them in automated workflows. To ... Read more

Save time with a well-planned archive

Ensure smooth processes in your company by planning how your file cabinets are set up in advance. It is definitely worth the time! Read more