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DocuWare Product News

Prefill forms automatically with current data

Save your colleagues from manual work. When they call up a DocuWare form, you can set things up so that some data, such as a name or email address, ... Read more

Never lose sight of your good resolutions

It’s that time again, to make your New Year’s Resolutions. Want to do more sports in 2020, eat a healthier diet or spend less time on your phone? ... Read more

Change of view - in the document tray

Use the various display and sorting options in the document tray so that you can work perfectly with your documents even before archiving. One option ... Read more

Electronic Signatures for Workflow Documents

Documents must still be signed in a digital office - just like with conventional paper documents. DocuWare Signature Service lets you conveniently ... Read more

Display task only when document is available

A new option makes sure that a task only appears in a user’s task list once the document needed to complete the task is available. It can be set up ... Read more

Rights, Roles and Profiles – The Who’s Who of Document Security

With DocuWare, you can precisely control the scope of use for each user. After all, access security is an essential part of document management. Here ... Read more

Routing Email to Multiple Addresses in Workflow

It‘s convenient to send email automatically as part of a workflow. Using the CC feature, you can cover an entire mailing list at once. Read more

Using Documents from DocuWare While Offline

It’s no problem to take documents stored in DocuWare along in a mobile file cabinet. This means, for example, that employees of a repair service can ... Read more

DocuWare Forms Flags Incorrect Entries

Nothing is more annoying than incorrect or incomplete data entries in forms. Teach your forms to make the right entries themselves. This makes sure ... Read more

A win-win: Personnel management with DocuWare

As it becomes increasingly difficult to find qualified specialist personnel in the "war for talent," employee satisfaction is even more critical. ... Read more