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Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is an all-encompassing term that covers topics such as
document management, content services and the digital automation of business processes.
This page is dedicated to guides, ebooks, analyst reports and more, to help you get an understanding of how
this technology can improve your daily challenges. We’ve organized it by topic for easy searching with subjects
as general as document management, and more specific applications such as employee management,
invoice processing and a mobile workforce.
To learn further, register for our free upcoming webinars and watch past webinar recordings, click here.
Discover how DocuWare's IDP can streamline your business processes and increase efficiency with advanced automation technology.
Discover how Connox slashed order processing time by over 70% and boosted productivity with DocuWare IDP.
Discover how AI-driven Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) can streamline your accounting processes and enhance productivity.
Are paper-based processes killing your efficiency? Learn seven simple tips for improving your existing document management processes
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and information privacy ebook informing and preparing your business for global compliance.
Free whitepaper answering important questions about GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) by presenting compliant solutions.
Free tip sheet providing 14 steps for complying with the new general data protection regulation (GDPR).
Learn everything you need to know about the advantages and benefits of using an electronic signature. Contact us today to implement e-signature technology.
Security breaches, data loss, version management headaches and litigation against regulatory violations has become so common that it all feels like “normal” business.
Discover how digital tools can revolutionize business processes for efficiency and agility.
This helpful ebook contains effective tips on how to optimize your invoice processing processes and thus save massive amounts of time and money.
Learn how to make the most of electronic signature technology to optimize efficiency in your business processes.
Learn the important facts about content management returns on money spent by SMB customers by downloading this important paper.
Automating the invoicing and accounts payable process is a good place to begin. If you're ready to get started, download this free tip sheet and get on the path to financial process automation today.
Are you a “world-class” organization in invoice processing? This tip sheet will tell you how the best organizations have dramatically reduced costs in their invoice processing.
Did you know there are great advantages when you automate your incoming invoice process? Explore the possibilities and download the info sheet now.
This helpful ebook contains effective tips on how to optimize your invoice processing processes and thus save massive amounts of time and money.
Download our comprehensive eBook on CFO Business Process Transformation and discover strategies to enhance financial operations with innovative solutions.
Have you considered moving to the cloud? This comprehensive ebook explains what cloud office automation is, how to plan, and why cloud matters to you.
Are your employees inundated with information and hampered by paper-based processes? Learn how to create a paperless office in less than 90 days with this free ebook!
You may not be in the Fortune 500, but you can win big with your digital transformation efforts - no matter your company size.
SMBs can free up internal IT resources for high value projects and rely on the content management provider for support.
What does it take to be a leader in the industry? Products in the Leader quadrant are rated highly by G2 Crowd users and have substantial Market Presence scores. The G2 Crowd Grid Report for Enterprise Content Leader (Winter 2019) is a biannual report that shows how the leading ECM solutions stack up to one another based on customer satisfaction and market presence.
Automation is not about replacing staff with software. It’s about streamlining routine tasks to focus your team on solving problems technology can’t. Download this free ebook to for immediate ROI in your finance department.
Accounts Payable (AP) is a fundamental activity for all businesses. No matter what industry you are in or how big or small your organization is, you can bet that there is an AP function at work paying the bills. Automating the invoicing and accounts payable process is a good place to begin. If you're ready to get started, download this free tip sheet and get on the path to financial process automation today.
Download the PowerPoint presentation How DocuWare supports mobile and distributed teams to help the rest of your team understand the benefits of DocuWare for work-from-home employees.
Your starter guide to building a mobile workforce, for how to expand your business outside of company walls.
Optimize your mobile workforce with DocuWare's proven strategies. Learn how to manage remote teams effectively and increase productivity.
Many HR departments are still stuck in paper-based processes... is yours? Learn how to move into safe, digital employee record management with this free tip sheet.
See the hard lessons learned during the COVID-19 crisis in the U.S. as companies launched distributed, mobile and work-from-home teams. Features survey results from more than 500 organizations.
Learn how other manufacturing companies have leveraged document management software to save time and money, and how you can do the same.
Automation is not about replacing staff with software. It’s about streamlining routine tasks to focus your team on solving problems technology can’t. Download this free ebook to for immediate ROI in your finance department.
Download our tip sheet for three essential tips to kickstart your HR automation journey. Discover practical advice and strategies to enhance your HR processes with automation.
Identify and address the seven common blockers that hinder productivity, job satisfaction, and motivation in a mobile workforce with this checklist.