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DocuWare Intelligent Indexing

Nothing slows down a process like manual data entry. Keying in data is slow, error-prone and impossible to scale efficiently. For organizations where productivity matters, capturing key data fields off scanned paper, PDFs and other documents must be automated.

From unstructured to invaluable

Intelligent Indexing highlights suggested index terms in the document. Depending on the system‘s level of certainty, they are shown in different colors.


DocuWare Intelligent Indexing instantly identifies the most valuable information on a document and converts it into highly structured, usable data.

Machine learning technology remembers each document and your indexing corrections, so every capture increases the speed, accuracy and reliability of the tool. After just a few documents, capture is automated and seamless.

Because Intelligent Indexing uses feedback from multiple users  – you and your colleagues – it improves the more it is used, getting better and faster every time.

The best path to paperless

Although invoices, contracts and many documents start their life on paper, DocuWare Intelligent Indexing effortlessly scans for key terms and converts them into structured, indexed data that is usable and searchable.

Intelligent Indexing helps companies of all sizes process documents that cannot be standardized – like incoming invoices and delivery slips that look different depending on the supplier.

With Intelligent Indexing, tedious and time-consuming labor is eliminated, freeing employees to refocus on far more productive projects.

Simple corrections

Just click on the correct terms in the document with your mouse


Suggested index terms are displayed in traffic light colors to represent the degree of certainty

Better every time

Constantly learning from previous feedback and input to produce better results each time

Highly scalable cloud

Best performance and results no matter the volume of data

How to start using DocuWare Intelligent Indexing


DocuWare Intelligent Indexing is a standard part of every DocuWare Cloud license. DocuWare Cloud also includes Workflow Manager, Forms and other key modules.


If you are using DocuWare as an on-premises system, Intelligent Indexing is available as an add-on module in two configurations: as a web-based service or as a stand-alone module inside your data centre.

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