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DocuWare Product News

Onboarding for Intelligent Indexing: 3 tips for a successful start

Intelligent Indexing is (almost) like bringing on a new colleague: with good onboarding, the service is quickly self-sufficient and delivers the best ... Read more

Customer Appreciation Week 2021 - Enter by March 1

You’ve surely entered this new year stronger and more resilient. While you’re setting new goals, let’s not forget to celebrate your achievements and ... Read more

Always up to date: automatic notifications

With automatic notifications, employees are always immediately informed – for example, when a new company policy is available. Regardless of which ... Read more

2021: Together we’re strong for the future

We hope you can take full advantage of DocuWare's varied offerings to get you and your company ready for the new year. We'll help you work securely ... Read more

Filter select lists from external sources - now available in the Cloud

Zero in on the most targeted data from an external source for use in DocuWare. This keeps select lists in a store dialog cleaned up - and your ... Read more

Time off without a task jam – thanks to Workflow Manager

Every vacation must come to an end. To make sure that the relaxation lasts beyond the first day back at work, it’s important to assign tasks to ... Read more

5 Tips to be a DocuWare Virtuoso

Want to get all you can out of your digital archiving solution, so that documents are quickly processed and securely stored. Sound like music to your ... Read more

DocuWare works like this: New instructions for getting started

DocuWare‘s Knowledge Center provides lots of useful information for DocuWare users. This central platform was recently expanded with over 30 how-to ... Read more

In practice: Archiving documents automatically

DocuWare imports documents into a central file cabinet - regardless of where they will ultimately be stored or how they were created. Each document ... Read more

Using Single Sign-on in DocuWare Cloud

Many apps, but only one login: with Single Sign-On authentication, the tedious task of typing (and retyping) login data is eliminated. DocuWare now ... Read more