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Process all invoice formats and XML documents

DocuWare provides limitless automation for your procurement processes. You can easily import and process XML invoices as well as related documents ... Read more

DocuWare docXporter: New way to export

With docXporter, you can automatically export documents, index data or both from DocuWare file cabinets to your file system. It’s used, for example, ... Read more

New API connection, a plus for Workflow Designer

A posted incoming invoice should automatically receive the "Paid" stamp in DocuWare. Or you want to dynamically assign access rights to other ... Read more

DocuWare storageRobot: The new module for special import cases

Many ERP and merchandise management systems generate outgoing documents, journals and lists as finished files that are to be saved in various formats ... Read more

How workflow automation supports electronic invoice exchange and e-reporting

More and more countries are requiring that companies exchange invoices electronically and have introduced reporting systems by which invoice data ... Read more

E-Invoices: 5 advantages of importing line items

Leverage data found in XML invoices to refine your invoice workflow. You can use the line items in index tables to implement detailed releases and ... Read more

Archiving documents by print command: How to set up DocuWare Printer

With DocuWare Printer, you can archive documents in seconds just by using the print menu of your ERP, CRM or Office program – including indexing! ... Read more

Quick search: Call up the right document from the archive for each process

Use keyboard shortcuts to open up the right document stored in your DocuWare archive - for example, an invoice connected to a posting record in your ... Read more

Just use Print for super quick archiving

Table of Contents: 1.- Filing by print command 1.1. Storing documents by print command 1.2. Auto-Index 1.3. Separating pages 1.4. Easy shipping 2.- ... Read more

Travel expenses quickly tallied – and reimbursed

Give accounting and human resources a break by automating your expense reporting. With DocuWare, everyone gets on board with a workflow to speed up ... Read more