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Tip: Get started with workflow tasks

Are you new to workflow tasks and want to use them to approve invoices or process other documents? Check out this pro tip for the best way to proceed ... Read more

New version: White Paper System Architecture

DocuWare's blueprint for on-premises solutions - that's the focus of the System Architecture white paper. This helpful document was recently updated ... Read more

Streamlining recurring invoices in a workflow

Do you need the same data from previously filed documents on a regular basis, as is often the case for recurring invoices? Then simply have your ... Read more

How Desktop Apps boost your DocuWare workplace

DocuWare's Desktop Apps provide you with a whole range of useful applications. For example, you can scan documents directly into your tray; store ... Read more

File paper invoices faster with barcodes

Do you get a lot of paper invoices that you first have to scan in order to archive them? Barcodes are a great way to speed this process up and make ... Read more

After Schrems II and Brexit: data protection regulations between EU and a third country

More security for companies on urgent data protection issues: the EU Commission has renewed the standard contractual clauses and issued an adequacy ... Read more

Tip: Highlight, press shortcut ... document appears

Do you already use Smart Connect and its Highlight Search? Just select text, press a key combination … and the right document appears. Search for ... Read more

New Feature: Exporting Index Data

Want to use data from DocuWare in another program – for example, your ERP? Now you can use the new DocuWare Export app to transfer document index ... Read more

Chrome browser security change: Time to switch to HTTPS

Google is further strengthening the security of its browser. A change in Chrome version 92 means that only encrypted communication via HTTPS will be ... Read more

Update: White Paper System Achitecture

The White Paper System Architecture was recently updated to reflect DocuWare version 7.4 and provides a great look at the inner workings of DocuWare ... Read more