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Tip: Adapting Your Organization to SOC 2

Your company needs to comply with the requirements of the SOC 2 standard when working with DocuWare? Make it so - with just one setting switch for ... Read more

Workflow: Contract Management Using Locally Stored Data

You work with DocuWare Cloud and want to renew customer contracts automatically using their expiration date? Then connect a local database to your ... Read more

Workflow Manager – Your Office on Turbo Speed

Do more in less time – it’s simple with Workflow Manager: share invoices in a matter of seconds and across multiple accounts; delegate tasks during ... Read more

E-Invoices: International Format Factur-X

Germany and France have agreed on ZUGFeRD 2.0 as the common format for meeting the new European standard for electronic invoicing. Internationally ... Read more

How to Install Desktop Apps

Let’s say you want to scan, import or open documents from a DocuWare file cabinet (or store documents in it) from another program? Then you should ... Read more

Ready to Serve: Tips & Tricks, Help & Support

Have a question about DocuWare? You‘ll find answers and suggestions in our knowledge portals in a timely and reliable manner. The info offer is aimed ... Read more

The DocuWare Vocabulary

File cabinets, document trays or index fields – if you are new to DocuWare, it’s helpful to know some key terminology. This will help you get started ... Read more

Setting Up a Backup Plan for Vacation

Finally...vacation! With DocuWare‘s features for assigning substitutes, you can ensure that tasks are tackled by your colleagues during your absence. ... Read more

Workflow Forms: Embedding Links to Other Applications

When you work with task forms, you can shorten your processes by linking directly to other applications or files. For example, with a workflow for ... Read more

Tidy Up your File Cabinet – with Index Cleaner

Different spellings for the same index term making you crazy? DocuWare's Index Cleaner helps clean up all your entries that might have different ... Read more