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E-signatures for international transactions

Electronic signatures prove that a document has not been manipulated and originates from you. They are also essential for securing your signature ... Read more

Displaying invoices directly from accounting program

Are you busy working in your accounting program and want to display archived invoices, for example, without having to switch to the DocuWare ... Read more

Workflow: updating metadata across documents

Keep related documents current by updating their metadata all within a workflow simultaneously. These documents can even be located in different file ... Read more

The latest: e-Invoices in Europe

What does an electronic invoice need to look like in France, the Czech Republic, Croatia or any other European country? How long does it need to be ... Read more

Setting Fixed Waiting Times for Workflows

Your employees want to be able to set up reminders for pending tasks. Or you need to delay workflows for other reasons. The Workflow Designer ... Read more

Double-checking workflow entries

For some tasks, it‘s worth checking your entries before completing them. A good example for this: when working with invoices that need to be released ... Read more

Display task only when document is available

A new option makes sure that a task only appears in a user’s task list once the document needed to complete the task is available. It can be set up ... Read more

Routing Email to Multiple Addresses in Workflow

It‘s convenient to send email automatically as part of a workflow. Using the CC feature, you can cover an entire mailing list at once. Read more

International E-Invoicing: Where are we heading?

Companies need to get proactive to digitize their processes - especially for managing invoices. If not, they will quickly be outpaced by the ... Read more

Enhancing Forms Automatically in Workflows

For some processes, not all information is available from the very beginning. No problem – set up a workflow with a form and automatically fill in ... Read more