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DocuWare Product News

Tips & Tricks Webinar for DocuWare Administrators

On May 31, DocuWare Support offers a free worldwide webinar for DocuWare Administrators. Take the opportunity to enhance your knowledge of DocuWare ... Read more

Dividing Up Incoming A/P Invoices into Multiple Accounts: The GL Coding Dialog

It’s simple to split invoices to reflect multiple cost centers in DocuWare. It saves you from entering tons of annoying data into your ERP. The ... Read more

Easy File Cabinet Synchronizing Between Locations

You use DocuWare at several different locations and want to make sure that all the file cabinets are kept up-to-date? No problem with a special ... Read more

Adding Attachments to Stored Documents – New Mobile Feature

Adding documents or photos to an already filed document is simple: adding a delivery slip to an invoice, photos to a report – the applications are ... Read more

HR Series: DocuWare Distributes Paystubs

Every month, you eat the same costs: printing, folding, stuffing, mailing, and sorting payroll documents. Much better: save paper, postage, and time ... Read more

Outlook: Automatic Indexing & Storage of Email

Do you receive a ton of email and mostly just sort them in your Outlook folder? With DocuWare, you can identify important email from this folder to ... Read more

HR Notifications: How to Make Sure Employees Read Them

Important internal documents are often skipped over and not read in a company. Either they sink in the daily email flood or their importance isn’t ... Read more

Pre-Defined File Cabinets Provide a Quick Start

A new file cabinet – which is ready for everyone to use – can be set up in DocuWare with only three clicks. No need for specialized knowledge: the ... Read more

Employee Onboarding: Stress-Free Start to a New Job

When new employees come into a company, it‘s key to have seamless organization and communication. With DocuWare, you can provide modern onboarding ... Read more

Viewer: Pick Your Favorite Features

Did you know that there are more than 60 icons that can be set up in Viewer to represent a wide variety of functions? And this doesn’t even include ... Read more