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In Focus: Emails in the Viewer


Ever find yourself clicking through a number of unnecessary image files before you get to the actual email message you need when using the viewer? There’s a way to handle this much more quickly than using the viewer’s navigation bar. A quick setting change helps you bring the email text you really need to see in focus.

Business logos are often attached as small image files or digital business cards to an email. That’s usually not an issue when reading originally an email. But after an email has been archived, these unnecessary images are often displayed separately in the viewer - which can be rather annoying.

Email in the DocuWare viewer with file tags (left) and without file tag (right) - only the email’s actual message is shown here.

Email in the DocuWare viewer with file tags (left) and without file tag (right) - only the email’s actual message is shown here.


It is therefore recommended that you skip storing any unnecessary file tags from the very beginning and to simply block them out with Connect to Outlook.

Go to DocuWare Configuration> Connect to Outlook and navigate to a storage configuration. Scroll down within Import Options to the More Options section.

Enter the file formats that you want to block. For example, digital business cards have the format "vcf." Logos are mostly available as image formats such as JPG, GIF or PNG:

In Connect to Outlook‘s storage configuration, simply enter the file formats that you want to block

It is important that you specify the maximum size of the files you wish to block! The default setting of 150 KB is an average amount that will help sort out things like company logos. If you do not enter a size limit, all image files will be blocked, which means important attachments like photos would be excluded from storage.

