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DocuWare Product News

FAQs: Working with Annotation Layers

Many archived documents, such as invoices or tax documents, may not be altered in any way. To keep the original document intact yet be able to add ... Read more

Easily Add Cost Centers to Forms

Purchase order forms always have a field for the cost center, which is used for the payment process. DocuWare provides a useful feature to help you ... Read more

Away We Go! Vacation Requests Made Easy

No matter whether it’s for a holiday, training or business travel: web forms are ideal for quickly applying for and approving travel/vacation ... Read more

Workflow Forms: Embedding Links to Other Applications

When you work with task forms, you can shorten your processes by linking directly to other applications or files. For example, with a workflow for ... Read more

Tidy Up your File Cabinet – with Index Cleaner

Different spellings for the same index term making you crazy? DocuWare's Index Cleaner helps clean up all your entries that might have different ... Read more

Planning an HR File Cabinet: 7 Valuable Tips

DocuWare is the perfect system for keeping track of all your Human Resources (HR) documents. For a smooth introduction into managing digital ... Read more

Distributing Forms Externally

With DocuWare, new forms can be easily distributed throughout a company. Even if individual branch offices or subsidiaries use their own DocuWare ... Read more

Working without Paper – Tips for Introducing DocuWare

Starting today, your company is going to be using DocuWare. Instead of using paper, you will now be working with digital documents. No longer will ... Read more

Purchase Order and Invoice: One Approval is Enough

Need to get the OK from your boss for an order...and then go through the same process again once the bill has to be paid? With DocuWare, you can save ... Read more

Recurring Tasks: Launching Workflows on a Schedule

If tasks are often repeated, you can tackle them most easily with a workflow that runs on a fixed schedule. This can be quite handy, for example, for ... Read more