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DocuWare Product News

Checked Off: Releasing Partial Invoice Amounts

Often, it’s only possible to release individual portions of an invoice. So that colleagues can see which invoice amounts are still open, the already ... Read more

5 Trends for Productive Human Resources Management

Gaining, integrating and retaining the best talent: to keep up pace with the modern business world, companies need lean HR processes. Here are 5 ... Read more

Tip: Printing Multiple Documents at Once

Becoming a paperless office is a worthy goal, but sometimes you just have to break down and print something. Sometimes you even need to print out ... Read more

Step by Step into the Cloud

Use software right from the cloud instead of installing it all yourself? Increasingly, this is becoming a question of when and not if. Many companies ... Read more

E-Invoices: International Format Factur-X

Germany and France have agreed on ZUGFeRD 2.0 as the common format for meeting the new European standard for electronic invoicing. Internationally ... Read more

Quick Capture & Reuse of Employee Data

Name, address, account details: HR administrators must accurately record tons of data and transfer it into various forms. The daily routine requires ... Read more

Quick Entry: Dates

How many times a day do you have to enter the current date? A keystroke is all it takes in DocuWare. Read more

Now in DocuWare Cloud: Index Data Validation

Validation ensures that documents are correctly stored and indexed in your file cabinet. To help cloud customers enjoy the full benefits of automatic ... Read more

Drag & Store: Using Index Data from Existing Documents

Documents like price lists, minutes or catalogs are regularly updated in many companies. In order to avoid having to re-type all index values when ... Read more

New: Arranging Form Fields

Smart forms make the capturing of structured data go even faster. That's why DocuWare has given its form designer seven new, clever features: the ... Read more