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DocuWare Product News

More Than Just Scanning

When working with DocuWare, you are probably scanning many documents on a regular basis. To make this daily work even more efficient, you can check ... Read more

What‘s the Default Document Tray?

Document trays are a core element in DocuWare. Just like you might find a plastic one on your desk, they are used to sort, edit and even staple your ... Read more

In Focus: Emails in the Viewer

Ever find yourself clicking through a number of unnecessary image files before you get to the actual email message you need when using the viewer? ... Read more

Drag & Drop with DocuWare

Everyone knows how to drag & drop. In DocuWare you can also enjoy plenty of drag & drop as you move documents from here to there to store them or ... Read more

HR Tip: Online Applications with DocuWare

Online applications are an ideal way for job-seekers to get in touch with a potential employer. Learn how easy it is to integrate application forms ... Read more

Ready to Serve: Tips & Tricks, Help & Support

Have a question about DocuWare? You‘ll find answers and suggestions in our knowledge portals in a timely and reliable manner. The info offer is aimed ... Read more

Important Documents at Your Fingertips

Save time and nerves: instead of constantly searching in your file cabinet for documents you regularly need, save these documents once as a list. ... Read more

Combining Documents: To Staple or Clip…that is the Question

A document rarely comes alone. Common pairings include an invoice and a delivery slip, a proposal and a blueprint, or a string of sick leave notices. ... Read more

Work More Efficiently: Get to Know these Shortcuts

Store and search documents, show them in the viewer, edit and email them off: do all this even faster in DocuWare by using the keyboard instead of a ... Read more

Intelligent Indexing – Now Even Easier to Configure

Intelligent Indexing takes annoying indexing off your hands and ensures super quick filing of your documents. To make the most of this self-learning ... Read more