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DocuWare Product News

Keeping Your File Cabinet Clean – with Select Lists

Spring cleaning not your thing? Understandable. Cleaning up your file cabinet can also be avoided. Here’s the trick: create fixed index terms for ... Read more

Make a Filing Plan – It’s Well Worth the Prep Time

A file cabinet is quickly set up in DocuWare. To ensure that everyone can seamlessly work with the documents stored there, it’s best to have a plan ... Read more

Save Time with Intelligent Indexing: Users Confirm Increased Efficiency

Entering indexing data manually is slow and open to errors. All the better then if indexing is tackled automatically. Intelligent Indexing makes ... Read more

Simplifying Event Registration Processes

As nice as it is to get lots of registrations for an upcoming event – for an event’s organizer, receiving a registration form is just the beginning ... Read more

Hybrid Data Storage: Access Your Local ERP System via the Cloud

DocuWare can automatically download data from an ERP system and use it for indexing. But what if the documents are in the cloud and the ERP is ... Read more

DocuWare for Human Resources: Successfully Managing Applications

Tug-of-war for the best candidates, talent management and team building: How can HR professionals lead their companies successfully into the future? ... Read more

Cleaning Up Data...Quickly

Organizing in DocuWare is a lot like everywhere else, whether it’s your kitchen, toolbox or desk: once things are cleaned up, it’s a whole lot easier ... Read more

Project Folders – A Simple Way to Store Documents

Folders give you a perfect overview of specific project-related documents along with all other documents. New information is immediately visible and ... Read more

Mandatory Fields Bring Order to Your File Cabinet

Indexing invoices with a barcode offers a lot of advantages – including the fact that an invoice can be clearly assigned to a specific booking record ... Read more

Unique Numbers from the Start

Whether invoices, orders, or an inbox - with clear consecutive numbers, further processing is often a lot easier. For this purpose, Automatic ... Read more