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Searching Multiple File Cabinets at Once


Searching Multiple File Cabinets at OnceYou’re looking for a document, but aren’t sure in which file cabinet it might be stored? Or you are looking for documents about a certain topic, which might be located in different file cabinets?  No problem - simply launch a search across multiple file cabinets. Here’s how...

Say you have file cabinets set up that each contain a year’s worth of invoices and always have the same indexing structure. You aren’t sure if an invoice you are looking for was generated this year or the year before. In this case, you just choose the file cabinets of both years for the search, and you’ll find the document you are looking for in seconds.

Even if you are looking for documents concerning one topic but stored in different file cabinets, the search across several file cabinets is handy. You will get all the documents you need at a glance in one results list.

That's how it's done:

To launch a search through multiple file cabinets, go to Searches > Search multiple file cabinets > Create another search.
To launch a search through multiple file cabinets, go to "Searches > Search multiple file cabinets > Create another search". 

In the next step you choose the file cabinets along with a search dialog.
In general, for a search through multiple file cabinets, you choose the file cabinets along with a search dialog.
By entering a search term for example in a Subject field, the system will look for this term in the Subject field of all the file cabinets you selected – if all file cabinets also have such an index field. For this reason, searching through multiple file cabinets is best suited for file cabinets which have the same or similar index fields. If that’s not the case, it’s best to run a full text search.

If you plan on running the same search on a regular basis, it’s a good idea to save your search. Click on the Save button in the search dialog. That will allow you to store the combination of file cabinets and search dialog used, but not the actual search term.

This feature is available with DocuWare Cloud as well as with the On-Premises Server Editions PROFESSIONAL and ENTERPRISE.

More blog tips for searching in DocuWare:
•    Searching for Documents in Folders with DocuWare 
•    Video: Saving Frequently Used Searches
•    Search Dialog Clarity
•    Find Documents in a Flash

