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Posts with the topic of "Search & Find"

Tailor-made search dialogs for even quicker hits

From full-text search à la Google to precise filtering: DocuWare offers lots of different possibilities for finding documents quickly. Here’s how to ... Read more

Essentials at a glance: Customize your results list

Do you struggle to find important data points in your result lists because of space constraints and column overflow?Learn how to easily reorder or ... Read more

Quick search: Call up the right document from the archive for each process

Use keyboard shortcuts to open up the right document stored in your DocuWare archive - for example, an invoice connected to a posting record in your ... Read more

Audit preparation: Quickly gather all necessary documents

If a tax audit or any other kind of audit is imminent, there is often little time to compile all the documents that will be needed. Here’s how to do ... Read more

Set up and maintain well-organized project folders

It’s so easy to have all the documents relating to a certain project right at your fingertips. No need to copy or store them over and over! In ... Read more

4 Power hacks for the perfect fulltext search

With the fulltext search in DocuWare, you can find documents as quickly and flexibly as information on the web. Here are some tricks to help you get ... Read more

Working with DocuWare via Windows folders

Do you like working with Windows folders? Then just use them for your DocuWare file cabinets and trays. You can easily archive documents by dragging ... Read more

From any program: Call up documents using keyboard shortcuts

Want to instantly see documents stored in DocuWare – right from your accounting program, a chat or any website? Here’s how you can set up shortcuts ... Read more

One click opens linked documents

Many documents in DocuWare are linked to each other through their metadata. These links let you directly access related documents. So the original ... Read more

See key documents quickly: by date filter

Need to see all invoices from last month or which contracts are due next week? With predefined filter periods, you can immediately see everything you ... Read more

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