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DocuWare Product News

From order to payment: New version revs up purchasing process

With the current release, you can make procurement processes faster and more robust with DocuWare: through extensive cross-checking of invoice items, ... Read more

Your system’s features and security: organization settings

Organization settings are set up once and applied to your entire DocuWare system, for all the users who work with it. They range from password ... Read more

Travel expenses quickly tallied – and reimbursed

Give accounting and human resources a break by automating your expense reporting. With DocuWare, everyone gets on board with a workflow to speed up ... Read more

Let forms do the math for you

While entering data into a travel expense report, you’d love to know right away what reimbursement you can expect? No problem! DocuWare Forms ... Read more

GL coding in DocuWare: So quick thanks to prefill options

Digital invoicing workflows provide transparency, minimize errors, and shorten processing times. Bookings are made continuously, so you avoid all ... Read more

Electronic Invoicing: E-Reporting models you should know about

EU VAT law is being reformed. In all member states, companies will soon have to report and file taxes digitally to tax authorities on the basis of ... Read more

Safely deleting...with a trash bin backup

Already discovered the trash bin in DocuWare? Starting with version 7.8, all your deleted documents end up there. This makes it super easy to restore ... Read more

Audit preparation: Quickly gather all necessary documents

If a tax audit or any other kind of audit is imminent, there is often little time to compile all the documents that will be needed. Here’s how to do ... Read more

How to scan for best text recognition

There are some easy ways to adjust your scanning devices to make sure paper documents can be seamlessly imported into DocuWare. This will help save ... Read more

Discontinuing Oracle as a supported DocuWare Database

The upcoming DocuWare version, planned for fall 2023, will be the last version to support Oracle databases. To enable affected customers to continue ... Read more