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DocuWare Product News

Working with DocuWare via Windows folders

Do you like working with Windows folders? Then just use them for your DocuWare file cabinets and trays. You can easily archive documents by dragging ... Read more

Electronic invoicing becomes mandatory in France

In the fight against VAT fraud, France is now also requiring companies to use electronic invoicing and transaction-based invoice reporting or ... Read more

Database entries – the big why?

You know all about documents in a DocuWare file cabinet, but what about database entries? How are these different? How do you create database ... Read more

From any program: Call up documents using keyboard shortcuts

Want to instantly see documents stored in DocuWare – right from your accounting program, a chat or any website? Here’s how you can set up shortcuts ... Read more

Tip: Set up store dialogs as needed

To better organize store dialogs, you can have the ones you use the most regularly pop to the top and hide the less relevant ones. A few clicks later ... Read more

Stamps: Right settings for even easier use

Stamps can be used in DocuWare for lots of different applications. Set them up the right way and it will make them even easier for your team to use. ... Read more

Like magic: 5 ideas for automating invoice approvals

Digital processes help make the invoice approval process much faster and easier. Many steps can run – almost magically – in the background. That’s ... Read more

Error-free indexing with one click

DocuWare’s "One Click Indexing" tool is ideal for assigning index terms when archiving. Manual typing of long names or number combinations is ... Read more

Navigation in 3 dimensions

Being able to scroll through a displayed document – to bounce between pages – is standard fare. But did you know there are other dimensions to help ... Read more

Index tables now also in mobile app

The latest update of the DocuWare app makes it possible to work with index tables on your mobile phone. View and change entries, add or delete rows – ... Read more