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Checked Off: Releasing Partial Invoice Amounts

Often, it’s only possible to release individual portions of an invoice. So that colleagues can see which invoice amounts are still open, the already ... Read more

Now in DocuWare Cloud: Index Data Validation

Validation ensures that documents are correctly stored and indexed in your file cabinet. To help cloud customers enjoy the full benefits of automatic ... Read more

Drag & Store: Using Index Data from Existing Documents

Documents like price lists, minutes or catalogs are regularly updated in many companies. In order to avoid having to re-type all index values when ... Read more

New: Arranging Form Fields

Smart forms make the capturing of structured data go even faster. That's why DocuWare has given its form designer seven new, clever features: the ... Read more

Tip: Splitting a PDF Document in DocuWare Viewer

Let’s say you only want to send one section of a big product catalog to a customer. No problem with DocuWare! You only need to put the PDF of the ... Read more

Fulltext Search: Searching & Retrieving as Easy as on the Web

DocuWare helps you find documents as quickly and easily as looking for information on the Web. Simply enter one or more search terms in the ... Read more

Archiving Directly out of Word, Excel & Co.

You don’t have to actually open DocuWare to store documents in DocuWare. Just use the "Save As" command in Word, Excel, or any other application and ... Read more

In Focus: Emails in the Viewer

Ever find yourself clicking through a number of unnecessary image files before you get to the actual email message you need when using the viewer? ... Read more

Important Documents at Your Fingertips

Save time and nerves: instead of constantly searching in your file cabinet for documents you regularly need, save these documents once as a list. ... Read more

HR File Cabinet: Paystubs for Your Eyes Only

Not all documents in a file cabinet should be visible to everyone. For example, employees may retrieve salary records from an HR file cabinet online, ... Read more