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Easily Add Cost Centers to Forms

Purchase order forms always have a field for the cost center, which is used for the payment process. DocuWare provides a useful feature to help you ... Read more

Distributing Forms Externally

With DocuWare, new forms can be easily distributed throughout a company. Even if individual branch offices or subsidiaries use their own DocuWare ... Read more

Outlook: Automatic Indexing & Storage of Email

Do you receive a ton of email and mostly just sort them in your Outlook folder? With DocuWare, you can identify important email from this folder to ... Read more

Pre-Defined File Cabinets Provide a Quick Start

A new file cabinet – which is ready for everyone to use – can be set up in DocuWare with only three clicks. No need for specialized knowledge: the ... Read more

More Web Form Designs

With web forms, your customers can quickly and comfortably input data, booking records or registrations and submit them to your organization. Company ... Read more

Keeping Your File Cabinet Clean – with Select Lists

Spring cleaning not your thing? Understandable. Cleaning up your file cabinet can also be avoided. Here’s the trick: create fixed index terms for ... Read more

Simplifying Event Registration Processes

As nice as it is to get lots of registrations for an upcoming event – for an event’s organizer, receiving a registration form is just the beginning ... Read more

Hybrid Data Storage: Access Your Local ERP System via the Cloud

DocuWare can automatically download data from an ERP system and use it for indexing. But what if the documents are in the cloud and the ERP is ... Read more

Mandatory Fields Bring Order to Your File Cabinet

Indexing invoices with a barcode offers a lot of advantages – including the fact that an invoice can be clearly assigned to a specific booking record ... Read more

Clean Indexing: Stamping with Select Lists

To prevent errors during indexing, you can create a select list for a stamp. A colleague can take the stamp and then, for example, simply choose the ... Read more