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Immediate + Automatic: Documents Completely Indexed

Accelerate your office workflows by indexing documents fully automatically upon filing. This also means that workflows based on certain index values ... Read more

Use Your Logic: Hiding/Showing Form Fields

Here’s a good way to keep forms clearly organized: just show the fields that are relevant to the person filling it out. Let’s say you won’t be ... Read more

Better Indexing with Required Fields

An invoice can only be processed if it appears in the task list of an accounting department staffer. To ensure that required information is not ... Read more

Quickly Equip All New Employees with Necessary Rights

In DocuWare, you can provide new employees with their required authorizations via roles. It‘s easy and saves time, especially if you need a lot of ... Read more

Digitizing and Distributing Documents with PaperScan

Documents scanned with PaperScan can be immediately uploaded to DocuWare and integrated into all your business workflows. No matter if you are saving ... Read more

Five Tips for Creating Field Masks

Field masks help with indexing and making sure your filing system is well organized. Creating these field masks is especially easy with these five ... Read more

Email Notifications – For On-Time Tasks

Need to remember to do something? DocuWare can help! Quick example: it can send you an email when a new invoice is available for approval. So no task ... Read more

Error-Free Indexing with Field Masks

It’s not always easy to find documents which have been indexed incorrectly. With the help of field masks, you can avoid input errors and typing ... Read more

Create Forms Easily with Drag & Drop

Whether it's a personnel questionnaire, application or registration – with DocuWare, forms can be created in just a few minutes. Programming skills ... Read more

Indexing Documents Correctly - Right from the Start

It’s only when documents are indexed and stored error-free and consistently that they can be used most effectively, whether it’s for a later search ... Read more