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Quickly Equip All New Employees with Necessary Rights

All necessary functional rights and file cabinet permissions are summarized in the

In DocuWare, you can provide new employees with their required authorizations via roles. It‘s easy and saves time, especially if you need a lot of rights to access different file cabinets and features.  

Documents and data in DocuWare are protected by an extensive rights system. It's easy to give employees exactly the rights they need to do their jobs.

Before you start, it’s best to invest some time in the planning. Because you don‘t have to assign permissions individually for each employee, you first need to group permissions in roles. File cabinets and functional rights are then assigned to the employees in a contained way.

Example: Accounting Director Role

An accounting director deposits payroll, processes invoices and books documents according to revenue and expenses. For these tasks, the following rights are needed:

  • Reading and editing rights in the invoice file cabinet
  • Access to the HR file cabinet. Here the Accounting Director is only set up by an index value profile to read payroll statements and edit these index entries, but not view all personnel records. With another index value profile, an Accounting Director also gets read access to his/her own personal documents as well as those of the employees specifically in the department.
  • Emails, reminders, and other documents are stored in the general document pool to which the Accounting Director has read access and can also edit saved documents.
  • Functional rights require select lists, forms and stamps, among other things.

File cabinet authorizations are assigned in the settings of each file cabinet – for our example, it’s the invoice file cabinet, HR file cabinet and central document pool.

To read and edit documents in the invoice file cabinet, the Accounting Director receives the standard profiles "Edit" and "Read."

To read and edit documents in the invoice file cabinet, the Accounting Director receives the standard profiles "Edit" and "Read"


For more information about assigning file cabinet authorizations, see the DocuWare Knowledge Center.

To create select lists or forms etc. for a department, an Accounting Director needs the appropriate functional rights that are assigned via DocuWare Administration:

Functional rights are located in the DocuWare Administration under "User Administration."


All necessary functional rights and file cabinet permissions are summarized in the "Accounting Director" role:

All necessary functional rights and file cabinet permissions are summarized in the "Accounting Director" role


If a colleague leaves the company and their user account is deleted, the role of "Accounting Director" remains unchanged and simply assigned to the new colleague under "User" at the push of a button.


