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DocuWare Product News

5 Tips for Trays

By using the document tray feature in DocuWare, you can edit, sort, and staple documents before storing them - just like it used to be with stacks of ... Read more

Intelligent Indexing: How to Best Configure

Intelligent Indexing quickly eliminates the need for manual document filing. To make continuous learning as easy as possible for this self-learning ... Read more

User-Friendly and Legally-Compliant: Forms with Links

Sometimes, additional information is a must; other times, it’s a helpful bonus. That’s why you can insert links to any web pages straight into ... Read more

Workflow Variables: Make Your Processes Dynamic

Do you use variables in your workflows? These placeholders are filled with specific values – like a date or an invoice number – that are used ... Read more

Automatically Identify Duplicate Invoices

Duplicate records and payments are truly annoying. Thankfully, there are smart ways to ensure that duplicates never make it into an invoice ... Read more

Mobile DocuWare App with Indexcard View

With the new update, documents can now also be displayed on smartphones in the popular index card view. Read more

Immediate + Automatic: Documents Completely Indexed

Accelerate your office workflows by indexing documents fully automatically upon filing. This also means that workflows based on certain index values ... Read more

Know these Handy Viewer Features?

In addition to classic features like displaying, printing or emailing documents, the Viewer has a lot more to offer. Are you already using one click ... Read more

Accounts Payable: automatic error control and invoice matching

Validating incoming invoice details for posting is one of the many daily routine tasks in the accounts payable department. With a fully digitized ... Read more

Wishing for a Feature? Let DocuWare Know!

Ever notice in your daily work that there’s something in DocuWare that could be easier to use or could benefit from a new feature? Let us know! ... Read more