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Are You Using Everything that You’re Paying for?


DocuWare is as versatile as a Swiss knife. It's more than an archiving solution. It can do much more than invoice processing. Are you taking advantage of all of its features?

You've been using DocuWare for a while now, maybe even for years. But are you using the solution to its full extent? Not just for your document management needs, but also for controlling business processes? Are you going beyond invoice processing? As a customer, you already have your licenses in place, so now it’s just about taking full advantage of all the features and applications that come with them. Here are a few examples:

Email Integration is a critical part of information capture these days. No matter if you have your email in Outlook or in another mail system, with just one click, all your messages are stored right in DocuWare alongside all your other business documents and can be fully integrated into your business processes.

Web Forms are ideal for simple and structured data entry. With DocuWare, they can be quickly created and published without programming skills. The forms can be filled out on any device and the data transferred into DocuWare. Once there, they can be set up to immediately trigger a workflow.

Design Forms with DocuWare

Forms created with DocuWare can even be conveniently filled out on smartphones.


Use DocuWare Forms, for example, to easily manage job applications, orders or registrations. Or enable integrated HR services in your Intranet by adding forms for vacation or sick leave requests that are immediately processed in DocuWare.

This leads us to Workflow Automation. With Workflow Manager, you can control tasks and automate business processes across departments. A built-in visual designer helps you to define the individual steps. The respective tasks for individual employees are displayed automatically in the Web Client or in the DocuWare App for mobile devices.

A new product brochure provides you with an overview of DocuWare – it’s a great place to check out features, application ideas, and integration options within your IT landscape.

Product Brochure DocuWare

Licensing Models

If you use DocuWare Cloud, all of DocuWare‘s features are covered with your package. All you need to do is determine your necessary storage volume and user licenses. The new Workflow User option also provides a low-cost option for purchasing additional user licenses for employees who do not archive documents themselves, but have to perform tasks within workflows and have read access to archived documents.

If you are using DocuWare as an On-Premises version (installed locally), you may need additional modules for email archiving, form management and workflow automation.

But even if it takes a few additional licenses or a module to take maximize the system, the investment is definitely worth it. With DocuWare, all your documents and business information can be used quickly and on target – which means smooth and productive workflows for your teams.

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