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Feel Better: Managing and Recording Sick Leave Reports

Sick Leave Reports with DocuWareEmployees who miss a work day due to illness must inform their employer immediately and based on the company’s employee handbook may need to provide a physician’s statement of treatment or a release to return to work. This can be done easily from any electronic device. No need to add additional stress if you are sick, it is easy with DocuWare.

With the help of an online form and a mobile app, it’s quick and easy to notify an employer about your sick leave. For any extended medical leave you may be required to complete additional forms to request the leave. These forms can easily be found in DocuWare for submission. Plus, a paperless workflow improves internal information and absence management. You will be able to track who requests sick leave, the status of their leave request, if a note from the physician has be received or what medical information might be missing – everything is easily tracked in DocuWare.


Simple Online Sick Leave Reports

Instead of calling in or writing several emails, employees can report their absence directly via an online form. This form will be placed in an employee portal for access by their manager and by Human Resources. Confidential medical information will always be safe and secure.

Web Form for Sick Leave Reports


Quick Notification to Management and Team

An automatic workflow informs affected colleagues about the absence via email. The sick leave notice will also be sent via Task Management (DocuWare Client) to the Human Resources department for recording.

Email Notification














Uploading Medical Confirmations

Using the free PaperScan app, a report confirming an illness can be captured with a Smartphone and then transferred to the HR department with the help of DocuWare Mobile. Within a few seconds your doctor’s note will be placed in the HR’s digital basket where they can attach it to your sick leave report via drag & drop, safely and confidentially.

You can also use DocuWare for recording vacation, jury duty, bereavement, and for any personal time off.


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