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What’s included with Cloud storage

To provide maximum security for your documents, DocuWare Cloud uses a great deal more storage volume than the space needed for your productive data. ... Read more

Setting up a new DocuWare user – here’s how

A new colleague joins your team or another department wants to work with DocuWare: familiar cases for creating new users in DocuWare. Here are some ... Read more

Updated upgrade path for DocuWare version 7

To ensure that DocuWare On-Premises systems can be upgraded smoothly, we have updated our upgrade paths to DocuWare version 7. Please note this ... Read more

Access related documents with ease

Order/invoice/delivery slip/vacation leave: many different document types found in an archive often belong to the same project. No matter how your ... Read more

Support knowledge: home office with DocuWare

The current situation is turning the world of work upside down for many companies: home office and general remote access to the company network are ... Read more

Be a DocuWare influencer

Don’t just work WITH DocuWare when you can also work ON DocuWare! You can play an active role in influencing the continuous development of DocuWare, ... Read more

Index terms – quickly viewed & easily edited

Index terms play a key role in DocuWare for identifying documents. They are often assigned automatically. But you can always view them or change them ... Read more

2020 – What’s on the Horizon?

It’s the end of the year – traditionally, this is the perfect time to look back at all that happened in the past year and to look forward to what’s ... Read more

Change of view - in the document tray

Use the various display and sorting options in the document tray so that you can work perfectly with your documents even before archiving. One option ... Read more

Rights, Roles and Profiles – The Who’s Who of Document Security

With DocuWare, you can precisely control the scope of use for each user. After all, access security is an essential part of document management. Here ... Read more