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Make a Filing Plan – It’s Well Worth the Prep Time

A file cabinet is quickly set up in DocuWare. To ensure that everyone can seamlessly work with the documents stored there, it’s best to have a plan ... Read more

Cleaning Up Data...Quickly

Organizing in DocuWare is a lot like everywhere else, whether it’s your kitchen, toolbox or desk: once things are cleaned up, it’s a whole lot easier ... Read more

Project Folders – A Simple Way to Store Documents

Folders give you a perfect overview of specific project-related documents along with all other documents. New information is immediately visible and ... Read more

Unique Numbers from the Start

Whether invoices, orders, or an inbox - with clear consecutive numbers, further processing is often a lot easier. For this purpose, Automatic ... Read more

Intelligent Indexing: 5 Tips for Field Mapping

Intelligent Indexing replaces tedious indexing work for ultra-rapid document storage. To make the most of this self-learning service, we’ve got 5 ... Read more

Searching for Documents in Folders with DocuWare

Not everyone likes hierarchies, but when it comes to documents, they can be quite helpful: they make it easier to find what you are looking for. This ... Read more

Automatic Indexing - Perfect Overview

Maybe the old adage "trust is good, but control is better" rings true in your business? Then you will welcome the new features of Intelligent ... Read more

DocuWare with Microsoft Edge

DocuWare Web Client can now be used with the Edge browser. This new browser released with Microsoft Windows 10 is ideal for use with DocuWare, like ... Read more

Document Management with Windows Folders

Nothing is easier than putting one or more documents into DocuWare via drag & drop. All you need is your oh-so-familiar Windows Explorer. Through its ... Read more

Registration Forms – With and Without Paper

Registration forms are needed in many areas: for sports clubs, training centers or for any internal events. Processing registrations is many times ... Read more