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Posts with the topic of "DocuWare Client (7)"

What‘s the Default Document Tray?

Document trays are a core element in DocuWare. Just like you might find a plastic one on your desk, they are used to sort, edit and even staple your ... Read more

Drag & Drop with DocuWare

Everyone knows how to drag & drop. In DocuWare you can also enjoy plenty of drag & drop as you move documents from here to there to store them or ... Read more

Combining Documents: To Staple or Clip…that is the Question

A document rarely comes alone. Common pairings include an invoice and a delivery slip, a proposal and a blueprint, or a string of sick leave notices. ... Read more

Work More Efficiently: Get to Know these Shortcuts

Store and search documents, show them in the viewer, edit and email them off: do all this even faster in DocuWare by using the keyboard instead of a ... Read more

The DocuWare Vocabulary

File cabinets, document trays or index fields – if you are new to DocuWare, it’s helpful to know some key terminology. This will help you get started ... Read more

Searching Multiple File Cabinets at Once

You’re looking for a document, but aren’t sure in which file cabinet it might be stored? Or you are looking for documents about a certain topic, ... Read more

FAQs: Working with Annotation Layers

Many archived documents, such as invoices or tax documents, may not be altered in any way. To keep the original document intact yet be able to add ... Read more

Working without Paper – Tips for Introducing DocuWare

Starting today, your company is going to be using DocuWare. Instead of using paper, you will now be working with digital documents. No longer will ... Read more

HR Notifications: How to Make Sure Employees Read Them

Important internal documents are often skipped over and not read in a company. Either they sink in the daily email flood or their importance isn’t ... Read more

Viewer: Pick Your Favorite Features

Did you know that there are more than 60 icons that can be set up in Viewer to represent a wide variety of functions? And this doesn’t even include ... Read more