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Posts with the topic of "Forms Management (2)"

5 tips for forms your customers will love

Design electronic forms that automatically ensure correct data entry and even fill in other forms at the same time. And you don't have to be a ... Read more

One form for all:  Employee onboarding made easy

Fill out one form and you’ll have many other forms ready to go. Web forms lets you keep the administrative work for hiring new colleagues to a ... Read more

Lists, tasks and now forms - all directly available in Web Client

Purchase orders, reimbursement forms or vacation requests are regularly submitted as part of everyday work. To speed things up, employees can now ... Read more

Smart registrations via web form

Digital forms simplify data entry and protect the environment by reducing paper. DocuWare Forms can do even more – they can identify errors and only ... Read more

Prefill forms automatically with current data

Save your colleagues from manual work. When they call up a DocuWare form, you can set things up so that some data, such as a name or email address, ... Read more

DocuWare Forms Flags Incorrect Entries

Nothing is more annoying than incorrect or incomplete data entries in forms. Teach your forms to make the right entries themselves. This makes sure ... Read more

Enhancing Forms Automatically in Workflows

For some processes, not all information is available from the very beginning. No problem – set up a workflow with a form and automatically fill in ... Read more

Are You Using Everything that You’re Paying for?

DocuWare is as versatile as a Swiss knife. It's more than an archiving solution. It can do much more than invoice processing. Are you taking ... Read more

A1 Certificate: Efficient Processes, No Fines

No EU business trips without an electronic A1 certificate: Integrate the process into your DocuWare system and avoid unnecessary penalties and fines. Read more

Filling Out Multiple Forms at Once

Effective forms management lets you skip unnecessary data entry by automatically transferring data that is only entered once into any number of other ... Read more