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Smart registrations via web form

Digital forms simplify data entry and protect the environment by reducing paper. DocuWare Forms can do even more – they can identify errors and only display fields that need filling out.

Let’s say you are planning a company event and want to avoid paper chaos for both your customers and fellow employees. Then use DocuWare Web Forms!

Auto fill data

When a customer registers for an event, a DocuWare Form automatically inserts the current date. For internal registrations, the name and email address of employees will be filled in as well. This way, forms can be quickly filled out.

Form feedback

For many events, participants must be of legal age. If users enter a number below 18 in the "Age" field when logging in, they will receive a notification informing them of the age restriction.

0 0 00 000 - when entering an IBAN, it‘s easy to get lost in the numbers. A DocuWare form recognizes if a character is missing and alerts the user - so nothing stands in the way of prompt payment for an event fee.

Smart forms

Maybe you are offering a seminar – but some aren’t staying overnight and will therefore not need to worry about a room selection or make breakfast choices. In a DocuWare Form, only relevant fields are shown, the others are hidden – minimizing unnecessary fields and clutter for the user.

One form for three workflows

With each registration, participants receive a booking confirmation, an invoice and a participant ID. So that employees don’t have to fill out each form individually, DocuWare automatically distributes the registration data among all three forms. Each form can also trigger downstream workflows as needed.

Note: You create forms in DocuWare Configuration. DocuWare Forms is a standard part of every DocuWare Cloud license. For on-premises systems, DocuWare Forms is available as an add-on module.

