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Filling Out Multiple Forms at Once


Effective forms management lets you skip unnecessary data entry by automatically transferring data that is only entered once into any number of other forms. That way employees also receive the right information needed for their specific tasks.

Never enter data twice or three times again. DocuWare does the typing for you! Here’s an example: your company is planning an event. Upon registration, each participant receives a booking confirmation, an invoice and a visitor badge. DocuWare automatically distributes the data that participants enter when registering into three form templates, so neither the participants or your employees don‘t have to waste time filling out each form individually.

To use digital forms, you first scan in the booking confirmation, invoice and participant ID card forms. If these forms are already exist in a digital form, even better – you can get started right away:

1. In DocuWare Configuration under Forms, create a web form for the registration. Query all data required for all three forms:

Create a Web Form with DocuWare


2. Once you have configured all web form fields (it may well become a longer form) switch to the Submission tab and select Merge Form as the document style.    

3. Add a new form in the step labeled Merge Forms – in our example, the booking confirmation: 

 Add a template for the Merge Form


4. Now click on the pencil icon to edit the "Booking Confirmation" form with Merge Form Designer. On the left you can see the fields of the web form.  Pick where on the form you’d like the data that is entered during registration to be placed. Use the two tools on the left, above the document display:

  • First, add the fill areas.
  • Then click the arrow tool to connect the web form fields to the inserted areas.  

Map the Webform Fields and Merge Form

If a customer now enters data into the registration web form, the first name, last name and the booked package will then be transferred to the fill areas of the form and the booking confirmation is stored along with the data in the file cabinet.  

5. Next steps: you select the target file cabinet for storage as well as set up indexing. On the Permission tab, activate the Public Form option so that the form can also be filled in by users who don’t have DocuWare.  

6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 to configure additional forms as merge forms. In the example above, these would be for the invoice and participant ID card.

Add more than one merge forms so that they can be filled out with one single web form


7. Finally, on the overview page, check that the registration form has been activated:

Activate the form so it can be filled out by users

For new registrations, the booking confirmation, invoice and participant ID card are then automatically filled with the applicant's data and archived. The documents will be displayed in the web client and can then be processed further.

Gather all forms in your list for immediate processing

To learn how to configure a DocuWare list, so that a responsible employee sees the new, automatically filled-in documents directly when opening Web Client, read the blog article Simplifying Registration Processes for Events.

Of course, you can set things up so that each different document types appear in the task lists of different employees for the next steps in a workflow.

