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One form for all:  Employee onboarding made easy

Fill out one form and you’ll have many other forms ready to go. Web forms lets you keep the administrative work for hiring new colleagues to a minimum. And data protection issues are covered as if by magic.

Onboarding new employees usually involves a good deal of administrative work. Personal data must be recorded, IT and office equipment ordered, payment transactions set up, and much more. To get a new employee up and running as quickly as possible, DocuWare's web forms are used to speed up data entry.

Forms in flow
New colleagues only have to enter their data once into a web form. When this form is transferred to a file cabinet, DocuWare automatically distributes the captured data to all other required forms, like those requesting office equipment or IT orders.
All forms are then sent off digitally and land in the task list of a responsible HR employee, who might add additional information such as department specifics and cost center info. Once this task is completed, the forms move on through the workflow to all other responsible departments, such as IT, Accounting, Purchasing, etc.

Forms overview

When a form is submitted, DocuWare automatically distributes the captured data to all other required forms, like those requesting office equipment or IT orders.

Data protection ensured with form templates
Entering the same data into multiple locations is just as much a thing of the past as equipment that wasn‘t ordered in time. Employees are ready to go on day one of the job! And just as importantly, specific personal data of every new colleague can only viewed by authorized employees. For example, the form for the IT department will contain no data other than that of the employee's department, manager, name and cost center. On the other hand, authorized employees in departments such as HR, Accounting or top management have access to more sensitive information like date of birth, address or salary details.

Web forms, lists and workflows are all included as part of DocuWare Cloud. Customers of locally installed DocuWare systems can purchase additional licenses for DocuWare Forms and Workflow Manager.

To see how to set up a web form and forms...

