
Update: White Paper DocuWare Cloud

DocuWare Cloud provides companies with most of the available modules and features of DocuWare, right from the start. It’s ideal for teams and ... Read more

New Battlecard: Hyland OnBase

If you feel like a prospect has already spoken to Hyland, the new Battlecard will help you address both explicit and implicit questions. Take a look ... Read more

ISO 9001 Certification

DocuWare has many certifications to support you remaining compliant in your business. Here is news on a recent certification. Read more

Pre-Announcement: New Expansion Modules

We are adding two new modules to our portfolio, which you’ll find in the price list beginning January 2024: DocuWare storageRobot and DocuWare ... Read more

ISO 27001 and other certifications

DocuWare was certified for the first time by the new auditor OCG from Austria for the introduction and continuous improvement of its information ... Read more

Security FAQs Updated

In your sales pitches, we encourage you to actively play the “Security Issues” card. DocuWare is ready to answer any question from interested parties ... Read more

Update Security FAQs

The updated DocuWare Security FAQs document has been updated to reflect our latest version. Each chapter, "Cloud" and "Organization," has been ... Read more

Face off with the competition: Battlecards in Spanish

Use DocuWare Battlecards to highlight the advantages of DocuWare even more precisely when talking to potential customers. . Read more

Successful points of view with convincing Battlecards

Please be sure to use the DocuWare Battlecards if you assume or know that a prospect has already spoken to another provider. These cards are ... Read more

Update: Workflow Expression Parser

In DocuWare workflows, you can comprehensively edit and adapt data by using arithmetic expressions. Our recently updated documentation about our ... Read more

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