
Posts with the topic of "Partner Portal"

My Business – Don't forget to assign Partner contacts to your customers

A reminder of the action item for our newly introduced “My Business”. Read more

Customer and contract data are now available in "My Business" – Your To-Do item

Now that you can find all customer and contract data in this brand-new area of “My Business,” we highly recommend that you explore "My Business" (->> ... Read more

Launch of the "My Business" area for Partners

"My Business" is a new area for DocuWare Partners that will gradually replace the old Partner Portal. In addition to important links, you will find ... Read more

Reminder: “Manage People” – Authorization management in Partner Portal

To manage permissions in the Partner Portal or in the "My Company" area ( → My Account) more easily and transparently ... Read more

Authorization management in Partner Portal – Launch of “Manage People”

To manage permissions in the Partner Portal or in the "My Company" area ( > My Account) more easily and transparently in the ... Read more

Partner Portal: Easy checkpoint for DocuWare Cloud customer status

Within the Partner Portal / My Customers, you can now go to the Subscriptions tab of your cloud customer for access to their status, storage and ... Read more

Designed for our reseller network, the Partner Blog is a searchable resource for information linked to the PartnerInfo Newsletter. For more information on Modern Digital Business and DocuWare Product News, you can subscribe to those blogs individually.


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