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New Battlecard: Hyland OnBase

If you feel like a prospect has already spoken to Hyland, the new Battlecard will help you address both explicit and implicit questions. Take a look at the most important claims and strengths of this competitor and base your conversation strategy on them. In this way, you can highlight DocuWare’s stengths in a targeted manner.

DocuWare Battlecards always support you if you suspect or know that the potential buyer has already spoken to another provider. The maps are not a simple comparison of functions, but offer an all-round view of a competitor.

The new Battlecard for Hyland OnBase can be found in the Battlecard Set, which also includes cards for d.velop, ELO Digital Office, Laserfiche, M-Files and SharePoint. These are intended for internal use only by DocuWare and DocuWare Partners.


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