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Posts with the topic of "Workflow (5)"

Automate Split Booking Processes Now

Even invoices that involve several cost center managers don’t have to take forever to get approved for payment. The latest version of DocuWare makes ... Read more

Are You Using Everything that You’re Paying for?

DocuWare is as versatile as a Swiss knife. It's more than an archiving solution. It can do much more than invoice processing. Are you taking ... Read more

Weeding Out Duplicates from Invoice Workflows – Here’s How

Want to avoid duplicate records from getting into your invoice processing? Here‘s how you can use DocuWare Workflow Manager and automatic queries to ... Read more

Display Workflow History for Completed Tasks

Here are two simple ways to display completed workflow tasks. Read more

New: DocuWare Process Planner

Under the motto "Draw fast, collaborate in real-time, pay nothing," DocuWare is launching an ultra- simple tool for process mapping, now as a beta ... Read more

Workflow Variables: Make Your Processes Dynamic

Do you use variables in your workflows? These placeholders are filled with specific values – like a date or an invoice number – that are used ... Read more

Immediate + Automatic: Documents Completely Indexed

Accelerate your office workflows by indexing documents fully automatically upon filing. This also means that workflows based on certain index values ... Read more

Accounts Payable: automatic error control and invoice matching

Validating incoming invoice details for posting is one of the many daily routine tasks in the accounts payable department. With a fully digitized ... Read more

Digitizing and Distributing Documents with PaperScan

Documents scanned with PaperScan can be immediately uploaded to DocuWare and integrated into all your business workflows. No matter if you are saving ... Read more

Email Notifications – For On-Time Tasks

Need to remember to do something? DocuWare can help! Quick example: it can send you an email when a new invoice is available for approval. So no task ... Read more