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HR Series: DocuWare Distributes Paystubs

Every month, you eat the same costs: printing, folding, stuffing, mailing, and sorting payroll documents. Much better: save paper, postage, and time ... Read more

Employee Onboarding: Stress-Free Start to a New Job

When new employees come into a company, it‘s key to have seamless organization and communication. With DocuWare, you can provide modern onboarding ... Read more

Personnel Files: The Benefits of Digitizing

Every company is free to decide how it handles personnel documents – in conventional paper files or digital methods. However, digital files are a ... Read more

Save Time with Intelligent Indexing: Users Confirm Increased Efficiency

Entering indexing data manually is slow and open to errors. All the better then if indexing is tackled automatically. Intelligent Indexing makes ... Read more

DocuWare for Human Resources: Successfully Managing Applications

Tug-of-war for the best candidates, talent management and team building: How can HR professionals lead their companies successfully into the future? ... Read more

Contract Alarm: Never Miss a Deadline

Switch up electricity suppliers, re-negotiate your cell phone, don’t extend that subscription: if you want to avoid cost traps, keep your contract ... Read more

Tip: Making Intelligent Indexing Even Smarter

More than a thousand DocuWare customers are using Intelligent Indexing today for ultra-quick document storage. This unique service reads through ... Read more

Why Cloud?

Cloud services are flexible, easy to use and based on a transparent cost model. Hosting solutions are especially popular for communication and ... Read more

Tip: Working with Digital Baskets

Just like the old inbox on your desk - but without the mess and overflow – documents can be processed and sorted in a digital basket. Are you ... Read more