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Personnel Files: The Benefits of Digitizing

Personnel Files Blog eng.jpgEvery company is free to decide how it handles personnel documents – in conventional paper files or digital methods. However, digital files are a must for modern, service-oriented HR management.

In the HR department, it’s not uncommon to still find walls filled up with file cabinets. Use DocuWare to take full advantage of the benefits of digital personnel files. Here are five top reasons...

1. Minimize Administrative Effort

Job applications, personnel questionnaires, sick leave requests, annual reviews: DocuWare consistently manages HR documents from all sources. This saves space and, above all, time: instead of running to the filing cabinet, you can conveniently access digital files from your desk. In many cases automatic import and indexing features ensure neatly organized storage. Payroll statements, for example, can be sorted directly into the digital files using a print command from any payroll program. Paper documents are scanned into files (and can then head to the shredder).

All employee documents at a glance: Digital personnel files collect HR documents from various sources into a single interface.

All employee documents at a glance: Digital personnel files collect HR documents from various sources into a single interface.

2. Ensure Security and Privacy

DocuWare takes your HR management to the highest level of privacy. All personnel documents are kept securely and confidentially. If you aren’t authorized, you simply don’t have access. An individually definable authorization structure ensures that only authorized persons can see sensitive information. In addition, a retention period for documents can be set, in order to delete, for example, application documents as needed.

3. Enable Self-Sufficiency

Authorized individuals can access digital files via the web or app. For example, executives can view their team's goals from a home office, without having to print or store them locally. And if colleagues need to see their last three paychecks, they just load them from their own personnel file – even on a Saturday night at eight o‘clock.

4. Enhance HR Software

Digital personnel files in DocuWare can be integrated into any software that is used in your company for payroll accounting or personnel administration. This allows you to store and retrieve documents directly from HR management. With one click, for example, you can see every document that belongs to an employee number.

5. Set Up Fast Workflows

Employees appreciate it if a response to an interview request is immediate, travel expenses are punctually reimbursed, or vacations are quickly approved. Whether you're looking for feedback or processing applications, digital files and workflow steps don’t just make the job easier for an HR team. Everyone on staff benefits from smooth procedures and better service.


Please note:

In USA electronic storage of personnel records is permissible under federal employment laws, employers must be mindful of the statutory rules relating to document retention periods and electronic storage systems to avoid any legal issues. These laws can be different in each county.


Are you interested in modern HR processes? How to successfully manage job applications with DocuWare can be found in the first part of our HR series.

How to create structured onboarding and quickly integrate new employees.


