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Retain documents – then delete them once the time is up

Meeting documentation needs on one hand, protecting data on the other: with DocuWare you can store documents securely and confidentially for as long ... Read more

Weeding Out Duplicates from Invoice Workflows – Here’s How

Want to avoid duplicate records from getting into your invoice processing? Here‘s how you can use DocuWare Workflow Manager and automatic queries to ... Read more

Emailing Archived Documents

Documents stored in DocuWare can be forwarded immediately by email to be shared with colleagues and customers. DocuWare offers you different options ... Read more

Intelligent Indexing: How to Best Configure

Intelligent Indexing quickly eliminates the need for manual document filing. To make continuous learning as easy as possible for this self-learning ... Read more

Automatically Identify Duplicate Invoices

Duplicate records and payments are truly annoying. Thankfully, there are smart ways to ensure that duplicates never make it into an invoice ... Read more

Accounts Payable: automatic error control and invoice matching

Validating incoming invoice details for posting is one of the many daily routine tasks in the accounts payable department. With a fully digitized ... Read more

HR Workflow: Confirmations by Stamp

Printing out messages, distributing them for signatures, collecting them again and scanning/filing them equals a lot of work. If you control the flow ... Read more

Many Options for Searching HR Documents

Digital personnel files provide quick access to HR documents. DocuWare offers different search pathways: intuitively via folders, flexibly by ... Read more

Don’t Miss Another Deadline – Automatic Pending Lists and Reminders

Are everyday business processes slowing your business down? Now, you can easily renew contracts on time, schedule follow up calls on sales offers, ... Read more

Exceptions and Limits in the Approval Process

Some types of invoices are better reviewed by six eyes rather than four. There are budgets that require the approval of at least one supervisor and ... Read more