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Smart Document Control: Faster start with latest version

Preconfigured cloud solutions

DocuWare for Smart Document Control should be familiar to you as our preconfigured solution that helps prospects quickly benefit from a paperless office by getting them started with digital document management.

With our latest version (v7.6T1,) we've further simplified its configuration. It’s now even easier for you to show prospects how to securely archive their business documents, quickly find them again, and share them with other users.

Less is more
A document tray, storage and search dialog, and four lists – that’s what is at the heart of what makes using this simple solution so intuitive and easy to understand. We’ve included six stamps that can be used to control basic workflow processes like share a document, assign a task, monitor due dates or securely delete documents to the recycle bin.

For managing contracts, the solution includes a dedicated contract document tray and store dialog, as well as other useful lists that can be added with a single click with just a user role.

Boost your sales with less effort. Here's how:

  • Test setup of the system within 10 minutes
  • Demonstration of the solution in the live cloud organization, even remotely
  • Closings right after first presentation

This is a great way to help customers get started quickly – and you can implement new projects in the shortest time possible. Once a new customer has come to appreciate the benefits of DocuWare, you can circle back and expand the business.

Sales and setup made easy
You’ll find related sales/marketing materials on our Partner Resources Page. English | Spanish | French

  • Flyer and Infoseminar invitation for lead generation
  • Presentation script and PPT template for live demos
  • First-steps guide for trying out and getting off to the best start with the solution
  • Proposal and service description for a quick closing

DocuWare for Smart Document Control is available in English, French and Spanish.
You can create an organization at any time in the Partner Portal or download the solution's DWBUC file from the Partner Resources Page. English | Spanish | French

Updated how-tos for the new version will be available soon at how-to.docuware. English | Spanish | French

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