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Input helpers for error-free data capture

DocuWare: Input helpers for error-free data capture

Input helpers are available for forms and storage dialogs. This makes sure that data is correctly stored in your archive right from the start. No need to waste time on making corrections or double-checks.

Ever have trouble because you can’t enter a cell phone number you found on a website? Only after several attempts, it becomes clear that the number needs to be entered with a country code and without spaces.

So that your customers and employees can avoid this, we have input helpers that act as little guides for your forms. In DocuWare, they are called field masks and display the desired spelling/formatting before the form is filled out:

Input helpers in DocuWare Forms

The form can only be submitted if the value entered matches the correct spelling or format. Otherwise, the form will give you a head’s up:

Input helpers in DocuWare Forms with error message


Add field mask to the form

Go to the "Forms" section in DocuWare Configuration. Note: you need the Configure forms permission to see this area - contact your DocuWare administrator if necessary.

Input helpers in DocuWare Forms configuration

In the Form Designer, click the desired field and select a field mask under Format. Some default field masks are already stored, for example, for phone number, email and zip code.

Input helpers in DocuWare Forms tip

Tip for tech pros: Create your own field masks under Index > Indexing Assistance > Field masks. You define a field mask with regular expressions. For an international zip code, the string is: [A-Z][A-Z]?-\d{4}\d? i.e. one or two capital letters, hyphen and 4 to 5 digits.

Find more on this in the In the DocuWare Knowledge Center.

Here‘s why field masks are also useful in filing dialogs

The field masks stored in this section of the DocuWare Configuration are available for the entire DocuWare system and can also be used in things like store dialogs. Here, the field masks ensure correct spelling when indexing new documents. Inconsistent index terms in the file cabinet, for example, make it difficult to search for documents.

Uniform data formats are also essential for automatic processing in workflows or for transferring data to third-party applications. If an IBAN is sometimes entered with spaces and sometimes without, processes can get bogged down and invoices cannot be posted. With field masks it’s easy to prevent this from the beginning.


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