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How to free up loads of valuable work time

With DocuWare, you can manage your documents efficiently and significantly speed up your workflow processes. But did you know how much time you ... Read more

Professional Services:  Solutions targeting individual needs

Professional Services? Sounds interesting... But who or what is behind the name? Joachim Krausert, Country Director Professional Services for the ... Read more

DocuWare Support - going the extra mile every day

What is DocuWare Support actually responsible for and how is it different from other departments? To get some answers, we asked Matthias Wieland, ... Read more

New: Global 24x5 support for business-critical issues

As of June 1, DocuWare customers worldwide will be able to enjoy round-the-clock support. Read more

And the winner is …: Our users favorite webinars in 2020

With our webinars, you're always on the winning team. Find out which topics were particularly popular with our customers in the US last year. Read more

Quickly adapt workflows with Process Planner

No industry has been left untouched by the consequences of the Corona pandemic. With the Process Planner tool, you can quickly and easily visualize ... Read more

Mobile office made easy with DocuWare

Flexible workplace models play a leading role in retaining employees. In times of crisis, however, they also benefit us in other ways. Read more

Never lose sight of your good resolutions

It’s that time again, to make your New Year’s Resolutions. Want to do more sports in 2020, eat a healthier diet or spend less time on your phone? ... Read more

A win-win: Personnel management with DocuWare

As it becomes increasingly difficult to find qualified specialist personnel in the "war for talent," employee satisfaction is even more critical. ... Read more

Interactive Tours: Quick Entry into DocuWare

With the new DocuWare Version 7.1, our cloud users now have access to a new and innovative learning tool that makes it ultra-easy to get started with ... Read more