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How to free up loads of valuable work time

With DocuWare, you can manage your documents efficiently and significantly speed up your workflow processes. But did you know how much time you really save when you fully take advantage of DocuWare's capabilities? You'll be amazed!

We've outlined three classic use cases, to show how you can maximize time savings with DocuWare. These range from using optimally coordinated workflows to plan and execute events to optimizing everyday store/search dialogs to importing email automatically. Even if the daily savings seem small at first glance, they add up to a LOT over time - but read for yourself...

Tip #1: Well planned - 33 hours of work time saved per event

The scenario: To register for an annual management retreat, participants fill out a DocuWare web form. The data entered is automatically transferred to prefabricated confirmations for booking confirmation, room reservation, attendee badge and event program – and all corresponding workflows are set in motion. Making the assumption that your employees would fill out and submit these four documents manually, they would be busy for maybe five minutes per document.

Time saved with DocuWare: By using DocuWare Forms and Workflow Manager, you can save a lot of valuable time here. With four documents and five minutes of processing time per document, this adds up to 2,000 minutes saved for 100 participants, or about 33 hours of work time saved per event. With three events per year, this amounts to 6,000 minutes, or 100 hours, or 12.5 working days per year.

Tip #2: Drop-down lists give you a whopping 41 more workdays per month

The scenario: Whether you are filing or searching for documents, typing in indexing or search terms is generally part of the process. With the automatic completion of terms that DocuWare offers for its store/search dialogs, you can reduce this effort considerably. Sounds like a bunch of odds and ends? We all know how small things can add up – and as you can see in this case, it amounts to quite a bit.

Time saved with DocuWare: An employee files and searches for an average of 50 documents per day. For a document with an average of 6 index terms (more for archiving, less for searching), it takes about 4 seconds to type in each term without a selection list, i.e. 24 seconds for the entire document. By using DocuWare's select lists, this is all much faster: it only takes two seconds per term, or a total of 12 seconds for the entire document. This means: You save 12 seconds per document. With 50 documents, that's 600 seconds and therefore 10 minutes per day and employee. With 20 working days per month, the savings per employee comes to 200 minutes, i.e. 3.3 hours. With 100 employees, you therefore save around 333 hours of working time each month. That's about 41 more workdays that your employees can use productively in the future – simply because they are using select lists when searching and filing!

Tip #3: Save 83 workdays per month by importing email automatically

The scenario: Despite the use of Teams, Slack & Co, emails are still a core means of communication in the office. Reason enough to take advantage of DocuWare's automatic email import. You can also use this tool to automatically index and trigger additional workflows - such as an approval workflow for invoices.

Time saved with DocuWare: Assuming that it takes an average of one minute to process and file/index an email, you can save 20 minutes of work time per employee on 20 emails per day if you use the automatic import tools provided in Connect to Outlook or Connect to Mail. That's 100 minutes per employee per week, which means 400 minutes per month or 6.6 hours of time saved per employee. With 100 employees, the time savings amounts to 40,000 minutes per month. This corresponds to 666.66 hours, or 83.2 working days.

As you can see, it's well worth taking advantage of the many possibilities that DocuWare has to offer. Try them out today!

Authors: Katharina Leonhardt and Marion Kurtz
