
New preconfigured solution for invoice processing available in French!

Starting from scratch for each project requires highly skilled Professional Services resources and long planning periods for implementation. However, this analysis process carried out in a preparation workshop often results in very similar solutions.

Based on the experience gained from numerous installations, we provide configurations that you can use directly and adapt to the customer with minimal effort.

This new model is based on the best elements of the existing model, with the addition of months of feedback from customers and Partners. In this improved version, you’ll find:

  • Smart, fast, and secure storage of all your documents
  • The complete purchasing process, from supplier referencing to data export, including the contract, purchase order, delivery note and invoice
  • Consistency checks on invoices to avoid any input errors
  • Management of special cases such as disputes
  • Real-time monitoring of expiring contracts, invoices to be paid, orders delivered, and more.

In addition to these revamped and optimized features, completely new features have been integrated:

  • A much more flexible solution by default thanks to the new configuration form
  • The management of subsidiaries integrated into the solution as standard
  • A brand-new validation circuit for invoices that is more extensive, adaptable, and precise
  • The management of special cases where validation is not necessary, a time-saver for the customer

Easy distribution and installation

You can find all the valuable marketing materials for preconfigured solutions on the Partner Resources page:

  • Configuration guide for quick implementation
  • Collector template for faster and more efficient collection of customer data
  • Presentation script for a successful tool demonstration

Availability and Training

DocuWare for Invoice Processing is available in version 7.6 in the Partner Portal. You can obtain a test organization via Cloud Trial. Two special presentation sessions on the new model are currently scheduled for July 12 and 19. Please reach out to your DocuWare contact to register!

Smart Document Control – Think big, start small!Kinetic_new_smart

This solution is the ideal entry-level solution for you and for prospects interested in DocuWare. The predefined filing structure offers an uncomplicated start and the chance to expand your business even faster. 

Smart Document Control and all materials are available in four languages: English, German, Spanish and French. All marketing and configuration materials can be found on the Partner Resources page.

Helpful articles and tips on using the solution are available to you and your customers in updated form on our How-to-Portal.


Tip: translate it

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