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2020 – What’s on the Horizon?


It’s the end of the year – traditionally, this is the perfect time to look back at all that happened in the past year and to look forward to what’s coming next. So here‘s what we are planning for the new year and which topics related to document management and workflow automation are moving us the most...

A Brief Review

In 2019, there were two new DocuWare versions – 7.1 and 7.2 – along with updates for the Mobile App and our new Process Planner, an easy-to-use tool for process planning and documentation. These are loaded with plenty of features that simplify your daily work with documents and the processes around them.

What’s Coming                                                                                                       

DocuWorld 2020But it’s always more exciting to look ahead than dwell on the past. What will the new year bring? New DocuWare versions, of course! Perhaps more important for you is the DocuWare User Conference in June, which will be a major training and networking event for all DocuWare customers.

If you can't be in Orlando, there's still other good news from the DocuWare Academy. A large number of user and administrator training courses are planned for 2020, both for beginners and professionals. Content, data and registration details for the training sessions will soon be available here on the product blog for all DocuWare users.

Of course, we will also be keeping you up to date on the many compliance topics related to data protection, electronic invoice processing and more. What’s coming down the pike in standards for E-invoices, and what impact will the upcoming Brexit have on the search for invoices and data with the United Kingdom? And the hot topic of electronic signatures will remain in our focus next year.

Which topics are important to you?

DocuWare FeedbackWe really want your feedback, so that we can craft the content on our blog to better address your needs. Which topics are particularly important to you, what do you like, what’s missing? Simply let us know your thoughts by commenting on this article.



The DocuWare Product Marketing team wishes you a happy and successful New Year, good health and every success in reaching your goals and resolutions!




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