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Now with more comfort for e-invoices and stamps


DocuWare version 7.2 is all about user-friendliness. This means that working with documents and configuring DocuWare will be even more convenient.

You can now also display most standard e-invoices like "normal" invoices in the Viewer, even if they are only XML files (from a purely technical point of view). A reader-friendly display makes invoice processing even easier and more transparent.

A definite highlight for anyone who configures or administers DocuWare: the system‘s new stamp configuration. Instead of going through a locally installed DocuWare Administration, you can now also create stamps right in the browser within DocuWare Configuration - and it's also much easier and more intuitive to work with than before. Configurations for DocuWare Request and Connect to Mail have also been optimized, especially with regards to user-friendliness.

Configuring stamps in DocuWare

A preview shows the stamp entries during the configuration.


There are numerous new features in Workflow Designer that improve the controls and processing of tasks within processes.

Interesting for long-term customers with an on-premises version may be that COLD and DocuWare 4 documents can be displayed again. Additionally, the EMC Centera, which has meanwhile merged into the object storage platform Dell EMC ECS, is supported again as storage location.


Release Notes

You’ll receive more information about these and all other new developments – including an overview of application areas and benefits – in New in DocuWare Version 7.2. If you like, you welcome to inform yourself about technical changes in this version.


Here’s How the Update Works

DocuWare Version 7.2 is an optional update for DocuWare Cloud.

All customers of DocuWare Cloud have already been informed by email that an update to this version is subject to an opt-in procedure.

As a DocuWare customer with an on-premise system, please contact your Authorized DocuWare Partner. They will inform you about all the new features and advise you on possible update options, especially regarding the technology changeover since DocuWare version 7.

