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Special offer for Cloud customers still using cookie authentication

Product news

The update to DocuWare Cloud version 7.11 has begun, and we're offering Cloud customers who haven't switched to OAuth an additional two months of cookie authentication to help ease the transition.

Reason for the special offer

Beginning with DocuWare version 7.11, OAuth2 authentication is mandatory, and cookie authentication is no longer supported. We started communicating this change in September 2023. The updates of DocuWare Cloud organizations to version 7.11 will take place between October 14th and December 23rd. No update will be offered after December 23, 2024.

If a customer still has 3rd party applications in place using cookie authentication, those applications will no longer work after the update to version 7.11 as they cannot connect to DocuWare Cloud any longer.

What we offer

To provide a solution for customers who haven't yet switched to OAuth2 authentication, we offer a special solution for DocuWare Cloud with a particular DocuWare version 7.11 that still allows cookie authentication. This special cloud solution can be used for up to 60 days, giving the customer a final chance to adapt all 3rd party applications as needed.

When the change is completed, you can open a support ticket to test if all 3rd party applications were successfully switched to OAuth authentication and move a customer back to the regular cloud server with DocuWare version 7.11.

If you don’t open a support ticket, the customer’s organization will automatically be moved back after 60 days to the regular cloud server only allowing OAuth authentication.

How to book the special offer

This offer can be booked via email to (DACH+EMEA) or to (AMERICAS) at the price of € 3.000 | £ 2.600 | $ 3,000. The prices are per customer organization and independent from the Cloud package in use. There is no ADP discount on these prices.

What you can do to avoid the need of special offering

Please ensure that all your customers switch to OAuth2 authentication for all their 3rd party applications immediately. For further details on the required changes, please refer to the Partner blog article from September 2023 about the discontinuation of cookie authentication. 

In addition, you can try to register your affected customers for an update slot in December to have some more time. To do so, please open a support ticket.

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