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New year, New you! How to get more done & free up your time with easy digital workflows

DW_Webinar-2023 playbook-LIIn the new year, STOP wasting time manually carrying out your repetitive (yet important) daily tasks. It’s time to automate them to gain back more time and brainpower in your day.

Invite your contacts to discover how easy digital workflows get their work done for them.

Brenda EricksonSee a live demo and then hear from a real user! Brenda Erickson, Credit Manager at Lohmiller & Company, a leading HVAC distributor, will share how they accelerated productivity across nine departments using DocuWare.


bottle2Holiday Giveaway! Attendees will be entered to win a limited-edition DocuWare stainless steel water bottle.

This session takes place on Tuesday, December 13. If your customers/prospects can’t attend, have them register anyway so they get sent the recording.

If you would like to attend, click here and register.
To invite your customers/prospects, send them to this link to register (Important: Be sure to have them insert your company name in the field: Name of Authorized DocuWare Partner, so that we can send the lead back to you!).

Click here for our 2022 webinar playlist. Recordings are typically uploaded a few days after the live webinar.

To learn how to automate inviting your prospects/customers to the monthly DocuWare webinars and get leads sent back to you, email or call her at (845) 253-6548.

Tip: translate it

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